It's Time To Go Home...

It’s the moment you've been waiting for. You are taking your new bundle of joy home!

You begin to pack up your things from the hospital as you wait to sign your release papers. You stop and think for a moment, “Wow, I don’t remember coming here with so much stuff.” You ask someone to see if they have a cart you can use to bring all your new treasures down to your car.

As you wait you dress your baby in the adorable monogrammed Razorback outfit your mother bought for her new grand baby. After all, it is Razorback nation! Woo Pig Sooie! You begin to stress over the car seat because it looks like some type of medieval torture device. Your nurse shows you how to adjust the straps and use the latch system to place the infant car seat in the base in your car. You feel relieved knowing you have such caring nurses to make sure you and your baby are always safe. She brings you a wheelchair and says, “It’s time to go home.”

You sit down gently and let her push you down the hall. As she is pushing your wheelchair you have a moment of panic. You realize she isn’t coming with you. You look at your partner and they say, “Boy, I’m so glad our Postpartum Doula is meeting us at the house. I don’t know what we would do without someone.”

You feel a sense of relief come over you and you get in the car with a smile on your face. Your partner drives 20 miles under the speed limit the entire way home. You look over at your baby and know that is why you are on such a slow ride. You’re thankful for the caution.

 As you pull up in the drive way you see your Postpartum Doulas car. There she is!! Oh honey, she’s here! She comes to your car, opens your door & welcomes you home. You are filled with peace knowing she is here. You then introduce her to your newest family member.

She helps you get your things out of the car and get you settled in. As you sit down, your baby gets hungry. She helps you get comfortable, brings you a glass of water and encourages you to feed your baby because you are doing an awesome job at it. While you are feeding the baby she gets up and makes you and your partner a snack. It sounds too good to be true, but you then remember she will be here as long as you feel you need her during your postpartum period.

Your Riverfront Doula can be with you during the day, overnight, or even both. Your Riverfront Doula is even available for live in care if that is what you need. Riverfront Doulas is honored to provide your family with nurturing and compassionate doulas.

 Authored By: Sondra Rodocker